-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Shadow Divers

I recently finished reading a book that I would recommend to anyone. It was called Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson. The book is a non-fiction account of a group of deep sea divers who discovered a sunken U-boat off of the coast of New Jersey and the 6 years it took to aquire the identity of the lost U-boat. What struck me about this book is the way you are drawn into their world, you get to know the divers and the other charactors involved. The dedication that it took to do hours of research and the feeling that they needed to see this through. The main divers John Chatterton and Richie Kohler felt that they owed it to the men who lost their lives on this boat to Identify it and to let their living relatives know what really happened.

I got so drawn into the book that as I was reading during lunch one day, something happened that made me want to cry..instead i just put the book down and said "no that cant happen". When it is fiction you know that it is just a story however this is non-fiction, there is no editing to make it end like you want.

I do not know much about deep sea diving or ship wreck diving, however the book explains it very well. It is almost like the sirens of Greek mythology it just seduces you and makes you crave more.

If you are looking for a good read pick this book up. Let me know what you think. Because I did a lot of thinking after I had finished.

"Life is a matter of luck and the odds in favor of success are in no way enhanced by extreme caution"

- Erich Topp(1943)
one of the most highly decorated U-boat commanders of WWII


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