-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My 4 legged babies


Charlie is my oldest 4 legged baby. He is 16 this year. He and I have been through alot together we have had our moments but he is there when I need him.


Sophie or Toto as we call her just showed up one Halloween. I think that she has got to be about 13-14. She has arthritis but she still rules the roost. She use to sleep right on my face and Bill said that I wouldnt even wake up. He would have to move her so that I could breath. Told you I sleep well.


I know real original name but Bill said that I couldnt name him because he would run away. It has been over 10 years since he showed up and he is still here. Blackers was a kitty that i saw in the distance. It took about 4 years before he would let me pet him. I think that he is about 11-12. He has taken over Sophie's sleep spot he sleeps with his back to me and his head on my pillow. One of the sweetest cats you would ever find.

Posom or as we call her Sweet P:

Have you ever had the feeling that you needed to be someplace? That is how I felt one Saturday. I just knew that I had to go and watch this triathelon. Well I pulled into the parking lot and saw this kitten run in front of me. Within this parking lot there was only one parking spot left and it got it. I got out of the car and there she was. So another baby added to my clan. Posom is three and a treat to have around but she is very picky about clean kitty litter...I guess with long hair I would be to.


What can you say about Ollie, he is actually the neighbors cat but he likes us better which does not sit real well with the neighbor. Ollie got his tail caught in the garage door so now we call him Oliver Stump. Ollie is just like the big doofie kid in the neighborhood. You just have to love him.

see what i mean a big doof...


Spaz is a neighbors cat but she is down at our house alot. She will sit on the air conditioner and wait for me to get up in the morning to feed her. She is probably the tiniest full grown cat I have ever seen.

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