-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Catching Up on What been going on.

Hello everyone it has been awhile since I have been on so I thought that I would just catch you up with everything that has been going on.

My sister and I rode 2 days of RAGBRAI this year, we kind of got nostalgic it has been 17 years since we rode our first one. We did Wed and Thurs. I had issues on Wed with heat exhaustion. I seem to be having alot of issues with heat exhaustion this year. Well anyway. I was told that every day we all have a purpose. I think that my purpose that day was to make sure that a lady from Florida got to Newton. There was this lady at the intersection where I stopped and was waiting for my hubby to come and get me. Chris was waiting for the sag wagon. She had gotten blisters from her shorts rubbing. Now anyone who rides bikes and knows what chafing is like knows darn well you do not want to get blisters there. Any way the sag wag shows up and it is full. So I told her the Bill and I would get her to Newton. So my purpose that day was to get heat exhaustion so I could give Chris from Florida a ride to Newton. Makes me feel better anyway.

Thursday I was fine I kept plenty of fluid in my system and had a great day. Even got to see Lance. That was a thrill. I am a big Lance fan I believe in his mission to make people aware of the need for more cancer research.

Anyway back to Wednesday. Since I live in Newton we had over 50 people camped in our back yard what a great group of people they were from Rock Island or Rock something my husband knew them. It actually became a neighborhood task. We asked a couple of neighbors if they would mind opening up there showers. No problem they said. We had more of the riders thanking us. They said it was nice to have a hot shower, a real toilet and a mirror.

The really great thing was they traveled with there own massage therapyst..Two of them. We got a picture of my sister and I on the tables getting a massage. Now that is heaven. Bill kept laughing at my sister Susan he said if she was a dog her tongue would be hanging out.

That was pretty much July. I will try to catch you up later with more stuff that has been going on in our life.

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