-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Yep BRRRR was yesterday, nice day for riding. My friend Julie and I rode together. As usual the wind was in our face on the way to Rippey and at our backs on the way to Perry. After the ride we went and got a nice big bowl of chili and Julie won a crocheted hat. Kyle, Julie's husband, asked if she really "won" after taking a look at the hat. What do men know about style. Julie's bike had an issue it would shift from the big gear in front to the granny gear, missing the middle gear, so we made a stop at Irwin's on the way home and dropped off both bikes. Julie's to get a tune up and mine so Bill could take it home. I needed to go bra shopping and didn't want it sitting in the parking lot. Now Bra shopping is a whole different story all together.

It was a great Saturday, very fun and actually relaxing. The pic below was taken by the Des Moines Register.

L to R
Kyle S, Taylor W, Julie G, Julie S, and Troy T. Waiting for the Brr Ride to start.


Julie said...

where did you find that pic?

Jules said...

At the Des Moines register site. I sent you a link I hope that you get it. If not go to www.desmoinesregister.com and click on the latest photographs from the staff photographers.