-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

What is wrong with this picture...?

Oh the joys of having young cats. A few years ago I bought Bill a Palm Christmas Tree, well now you can see why we cannot have a real one. It would not last a day. I was wanting to hang stockings across the door however I hung one up and had to pull Winston off of the screen because he wanted to play with it. So the Palm Christmas Tree is all the decorations we have in the house. I hope that it can last until after Christmas! If you will notice in the pictures there is a wine holder full of wine. Bill's parents gave me a case of different wines for Christmas. Bless their hearts they know what it takes to put up with Bill and all of the cats. :) Peace!

1 comment:

Julie said...

too funny!!