-How much we enjoy what we have is much more important than how much we have. Life is full of people who have more than they know what to do with, but cannot be content. It is the capacity to enjoy life that brings contentment.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Time for a Change

I have decided this year to change the blog up a bit. It will still be what is going on in Bill and my life however I am going to throw in stuff that I feel is important to live everyday the best that I can. I am an avid reader, I am always looking for interesting articles to read. I do not follow the mainstream, I look for unique.

Here are a few things that I believe when it comes to well being.

1. There is a time for holistic medicine and a time for western medicine.
2. Accupuncture works.
3. Massages are a preventive medicine
4. Exercising is a great thing
5. You need to take care of your skin. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
6. Water is God's liquor. Drink alot of it.
7. pop and/or soda is deadly stop drinking it.
8. read food labels
9. naps are good so is laughing.
10. Dont always follow the crowd, you are missing so much by not doing your own thing.

I hope that you enjoy the change.



Webbies said...

I have been thinking about accupunture if my back keeps aching with pregnancy....although they would have to be careful because I know that some use accupunture to INDUCE labor...yikes! (not ready for that yet)

Jules said...

Hi Webbies,

The lady I went to was Irene Dougherty in Marshalltown. She has a practice with a gentleman and they both seem to have a lot of faithful patients:
Their web site is www.healingacupunctureclinic.com.
I got the accupuncture done for a shoulder injury and also the NAET, which was for allergies. I really enjoyed Irene.

Good Luck!