The stage is dark, the seats are empty. Costumes have been cleaned and props stored. The Curtain has closed on the Newton Community Theater's production of "Scrooge".
The last 11 days have been a whirlwind, 8 shows in 11 days. I was honored to play the part of Mrs. Cratchet. We had been rehearsing 4 days a week since Sept. Sept and Oct I did not have to be at each practice. November was a different story 4 even 5 days a week.
The show included a cast of 61, ages ranging from 6 to 70. It was a great experience to work with so many different people some I have worked with before, most I had not.
To say that the show was good does not even come close to how great of a show it actually was. We performed 8 shows and for all 8 shows, we were getting standing ovations before the last song was done. At first I didn't quite understand why then someone said to me. "You have one lead character, scrooge, however look at the supporting have people playing supporting character's that have had the leads in shows before." Then it hit me how incredible this show was.
Am I sad that it is over, yes, Am I tired and ready for a break, oh yes. I do not think we could have done another show most of the cast were getting colds and losing their voices.
It is hard to believe that it is almost Christmas. I have not started Christmas shopping, I need to get that done sometime this week. I actually am having a hard time getting motivated to shop.

My stage husband was Gary Kopsa. The question I was most asked was "Are you 2 really married"? The statement I heard the most to me.."I didnt know that you could sing". Surprise! :)Click
HERE for more Pictures of the shows. Sorry they uploaded out of order.
I am sad that it is over however it is time to move on. After Christmas I will start my triathlon training again.
CREATING SCROOGE: I helped make Lonnie who is 39 into a 60 year old looking Mr. Scrooge. It was alot of fun.

Lonnie as Lonnie

Lonnie as Mr. Scrooge
Here to see how it was done, I enjoy make up not the kind that makes you pretty but the special effects stuff.
Here for Final cast party Pictures. Over look the hair I had a fake bun and to make it work they pretty much plastered my hair with hair products..ickky..:)
It is Monday and I have had a day to reflect and I miss my Cratchet family. I know that I will see them around. I feel like I did after doing the Hy-Vee Tri. I have put in so much time on this project, That now that it is over I am lost. "What do I do now?" I need to just relax and rest up spring is coming..I just got the entry form for BRRR..hard to believe that Brrr is just around the corner.
I wish you all Happy Holiday and Peace on Earth!