It was a sad day at the Goodman household, I had to have our Sophie put to sleep. She has been fighting a thyroid issue for years. Lately she has not been able to make it to the kitty litter and her back legs were starting to give out.
I do not now for sure how old Sophie was, she showed up the fall of 1996(I think that is the right year) and has been a part of our family since. If I had to guess I would say she was 13-15 years old.
Her nickname was Toto. I will miss Toto but I know that she is in a better place. I told her that where she was going she would be young again and could play with all of the other kitties, like she use to.
This has been A very difficult day for me, I do not like making these decisions, It just breaks my heart. I know there are alot of people who do not understand the bond between humans and animals but believe me it is a very strong bond. I am glad that I had the strength to be talking to her and petting her as she passed away. I have always said, my cats have been good friends to me and I will be with them to the end no matter how hard it is. The other cats knew something was going on, they have not left myside all day and for that I am greatful.
Toto thank you for being there for me, it was a pleasure taking care of you all of these years. I will see you again someday! Love you.